Director of Mental Performance @ Washington Nationals Co-founder The Antifragile Academy

Executive Coach / Keynote Speaker

Welcome, Iā€™m Dr. Adam Wright.

I specialize in maximizing human potential by integrating evidence-based physical and psychological principles to enhance performance.

My mission is clear: to empower individuals and teams to consistently operate at their best, fostering a sense of flourishing in their pursuit of excellence.

Diverse Industry Collaborations:
I've collaborated with elite performers and teams across various industries, including sports, business, performing arts, military, law enforcement, and medicine. My expertise and experience shine in high-stakes environments where excellence is not an option but a necessity.

Transcending Boundaries:
Interacting with top-tier performers has allowed me to distill insights that transcend professional limitations. These transdiciplinary insights provide practical wisdom for optimizing performance and enriching lives across all domains.

I invite you to initiate a conversation with me. Whether you're a high-achiever pushing your limits or an individual or team aiming to tap into latent potential or reach the next level.

Major League Mental Performance Consultant

Co-Founder / Mental Performance Consultant